Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Gordy getting spooooked.

Co worker gave me a gourd for Halloween. I turned it into Gordy... the scared gourd.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Anniversary Cartoon Layout

Cartoon I am working on for co-worker

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Hello Bloggers. It has been over a month since my last post... my apologies!  A little update on what's happened in the last month: I had the privilege of working with Ms. Signe Wilkinson for her upcoming show at Moore College of Art & Design; this was happening while I was in the process of finding my new place in NYC and finding a way to move there! Luckily, I found a great place in Brooklyn. This is only my second week here, but so far so good! I will be sure to post sketches and photos of my ventures in the Big Apple. That being said be sure to check out the photos below for a look at my experiences so far...

The new place


Welcome Gnome at my new job

My Roommate's kitty, Lucy, all tuckered out after a day of reading up on home decor

Love and miss you, Philadelphia. I will be sure to visit. As for New York, I have a lot to do and explore. Keep checking back for updates.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Couple weeks late, but here it is... the graduation photographs.


(left) Regina M. (right) Myself

(from left to right) Emily M., Sara L., Briana B., and Myself.
Photographer: Paul Loftland

Mom and Dad.

Grandma, Brother, Myself, and Grandpa.

Grandma and I after graduation. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Senior Show


Thank you to the Advertising Specialty Institute for awarding me with "Excellence in Applied Illustration." This experience was beyond words and I feel extremely fortunate to have been considered.

Please be sure to see the rest of the illustrations in context at our Senior Show, which is still running at Moore College of Art & Design until May 14th.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pictures from the Senior Show Openning

(left to right) Myself, Alicia, and Alison after winning our awards in the Illustration Department.

Please be sure to join us any day at Moore College of Art & Design to see our show. It will be open everyday from 11am-7pm until May 14th.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Image for Website

Here's a little diddy that I am working on. It will end up as a spot illustration on my "newsfeed" section for my website.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Find of the Day

While listening to Pandora today I saw this ad. I have to say I am a fan of the illustration.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Disco Lady revised

After spending time today cleaning up my drawings even more. I realized that I was not in love with my original disco lady (See below in early post for the 60's/70's spread.) I decided to redraw her. The drawing still needs some work. Anyway... please let me know what you think.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

work in progress

Ah, so with sunshine comes an overdue update on the bloggy. I have been working on my senior thesis which is aimed towards depicting the courting process and how it has changed over each decade since 1940 till now. 

Below is my original thumbnail. As you can see there are 5 spreads. 

Originally, I was designing with backgrounds in mind, but after focusing on another client I realized that concept did not align with their look. Instead I decided to focus on making characters with strong line and a washy color to give a "sketchy" almost notebook look to the illustrations.

Below is spread 1 and is still in progress. This is the only spread that will be done in gray, black and white instead of black line with color. Remember you can click on any of the images to see them enlarged. 

Spread 2. Love birds... awww. Well this spread has an example on the left of how I envision the color to be on the rest of the spreads, however the line is not correct on either of these illustrations and a lot of work needs to be done to both.

Spread 3. Time to get groovvvvy. Line is getting close to how I see it on the left, but again a lot of work needs to be done to both in order to clean them up.

Spread 4.  Can you name the movie that inspired the eighties wardrobe? Hope so! Anyways, the line work mainly needs to be cleaned up on this spread.

  Spread 5.  "Herro, pretty girl I'm over here." Too bad she's occupied making kissy faces for her profile picture. This spread is pretty clean but maybe more thick line could be applied around the faces to gain some attention from the rest of their bodies. 

In the end, there will be an article and text on each of these spreads going into further detail facts about how the courting process has changed along with relationships. These pieces will be printed out on magazine paper like an article and distributed at my senior show. So mark those calendars, because it is on May 14th at Moore and I expect to see you all there!
