Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Project for Going Green

The idea of this project is to promote local purchasing of food to lessen the toxic emissions to the environment from shipping produce items overseas and nationwide. It is an informative how to guide on  purchasing local foods and the benefits to the consumer as well as the environment.

 above (from left to right): cover, back, and first page of brochure.

above (left to right): second page, third/forth page.

 above: byob (bring your own bag) bag.

above: byom (bring your own mug) mug.

above: brow (bring your own way) sticker.

[other sold items coming soon]

this is not for a real company but target towards consumers who are looking for a greener way to purchase their food. as always... any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Young Frankenstein meets the lion and the mouse.

still in progress.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Need Advice on Logo

Option 1: blue circles with hand drawn circles and miles enlarged

Option 2: blue circles with hand drawn circles

Option 3: blue circles

Option 4: basic

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Business Card and Stationary Mock ups

I've been playing around with business card and stationary designs. This is design is what I am leaning towards for my final. I would like to get these and my portfolio out before the end of the holiday season. Any feedback would be appreciated. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

It may be a little past Thanksgiving, but seeing as many of us are still snacking on our leftovers I figured I still had sometime to wish all of you a happy Thanksgiving. I was on vimeo today looking up animated videos and found this nbc cartoon for Thanksgiving. I hope it gives you a smile during this crazy holiday season.

Nathan Love's "NBC Peacock Thanksgiving" from Nathan Love on Vimeo.

For those of you who are interested in making of animated films. I also found this on vimeo which is a speed walk through of an animated commercial from concept to final.

Edition Spéciale Making Of from soulgrafix on Vimeo.

Have a great holiday weekend.